Making complex content clearer since 2005

We write, edit, and design for B2B firms and large nonprofits in complex industries like
international development, health care, IT, and finance.

Our HQ is in Tipp City, OH, but our team members live all over the US.

Artificial intelligence’s promise meets ethical challenges

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing industries worldwide, promising efficiency, innovation and unparalleled capabilities. The allure of AI is strong, but there is an ethical dilemma to consider.

We’ve been confronted with real-world examples of its misuse — from algorithmic bias perpetuating inequality in hiring decisions to the lawyer who relied on AI to craft a motion full of made-up case law.

Country Systems Impact: Cambodia

Traditional development work often results in geographically disparate projects that have limited overlap or collaboration among their activities. Donors find and fund partner organizations to address different aspects of a social issue among different populations. These projects impact the symptoms of issues and support individuals, but they can be less effective in addressing underlying problems.

This report examines a different approach, one that addresses the structural elements needed for sustainable generational change (system strengthening) and invests in multiple partners working collaboratively in a single geographic area (country systems).
Photo by Expect Best on Pexels

State of the banking industry report

Banks build vibrant, thriving communities. In good times and in bad, they help Americans bridge financial gaps, pursue lifelong dreams and build stable futures. And in order to do that, financial institutions need to be in solid, healthy shape for everyone to thrive.

So, how are banks doing? To find out, Wipfli surveyed nearly 250 banks in 39 states. We learned how banks are navigating the economy, facing the national labor shortage and managing digital banking.
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